Saturday, November 20, 2010

How can I change my wireless network password in the computer? Can any one help? Thank you?

I have a wireless internet connection that I shared with other roomates, but now I want to change the network password as I don't want many people are using. Please help.How can I change my wireless network password in the computer? Can any one help? Thank you?
First, you have to ';log in'; to your router's IP address.

Look on your manufacturer's site and find out what the stock IP address of your model is, then type that into the address bar and press enter.

Now, I know for Linksys models, you'll get a general page about all of your router's info.

You need to navigate into a Wireless/Wireless Security tab (again, for Linksys models) and change the security mode to WPA Personal.

Now, you can choose the password required for someone to have access to your internet. (Don't worry, if you type the password once, you won't have to type it again unless it changes, so no need to be annoyed by constant password typing.)

Make sure your password is really good so no h4xx0rz get in. ;)

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