Monday, June 6, 2011

I accidentally left my high school network on Facebook and can't rejoin it!?

I accidentally left my high school's Facebook network a while back and tried to rejoin it. But it says that you can't add it because you have to wait 6 months before change networks for schools. I'm not going to wait no fraking 6 months, so please help me rectify this problem. Surely hundreds of other people have had this same problem, if you are one of them, how did you fix it? Everyone knows its such a ******* ***** to contact Facebook (since they don't want to be contacted and claim ';There is no need to contact us, everything you could ever want is in our FAQ/Help';, which is blatant bullshit, just like the new layout). Please help me rectify this most unfortunate problem.I accidentally left my high school network on Facebook and can't rejoin it!?
You have to wait a couple of days to rejoin it. It's to prevent people from joining a network and then leaving to join another one. Basically, it's to stop predators.

What you can do however is get one of your friends from another high school to approve you when you join their network. Once you do that, you can go to the Networks link at the top of the page. Click the arrow next to it. Then go to the bottom and type the real school that you go to under transfer high schools; it should work then.

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