Monday, June 6, 2011

When did the Fox Network become a top network, changing the Big Three to the Big Four?

I was wondering when that started and how they started to be considered to have that status.When did the Fox Network become a top network, changing the Big Three to the Big Four?
Fox News has always beat out all the other news networks ever since they've been on TV. But the elite media wouldn't admit to it... polls and ratings show otherwise. The dullards who watch those other networks fall asleep as soon as the first commercial comes on, after they sat down. So, how the heck would they know what's going on in the world anyway.When did the Fox Network become a top network, changing the Big Three to the Big Four?
This question is referring to Fox Network and the liberals are referring to foxnews

in knee jerk fashion. its funny.

The Fox network became a viable fourth network when 'Married With Children' started. At least as far as I am concerned. That was ROFL before ROFL.
They may lead in the ratings however what does that say about the intellect of the general public.Fox news attracts a certain crowd and its a large one hopefully not the majority.
When they added FOX news with comedians like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. Thats all it takes. Get a few good sitcoms and you are off and running.

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